Thursday, February 20, 2014

SOCHI 2014: Brother's Keeper

This bit of awesome that I just had to share with you today, is from the Olympics. This all happened during the finals of the Men's Cross-Country Skiing Sprint.

Russian Skiier, Anton Gafarov, crashed during the race.

Really, really hard his left ski was badly damaged.

He tried to go down...

...and then, BOOM!

He fell down again and the ski broke in half!

And just when it looked like he was going to have to quit the race...

...a Canadian coach by the name: Justin Wadsworth, ran out to the course with a replacement ski...

...put it on for him...

...and Gafarov was able to finish the race – albeit 3 minutes behind the leaders.

It was warming watching him receive a standing ovation as he reached the finish line.

When Wadsworth was asked why he did this, he said:

Conclusively, two things:

1. I love good sportsmanship, and

2. I love Canadians!

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