Monday, November 25, 2013

The Massive Bust With the FBI Shutting Down Silk Road

For those who don't know, Silk Road was commonly referred to as the internet's largest black market.

Or more simply: the place you'd go to get pretty much any drug ever easily.

Very recently, the owner of the website was reportedly arrested in San Francisco; and accused of computer hacking, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and hiring a contract killer.

In an operation said to have been going on since November 2011, undercover agents made 100 purchases of controlled substances.

On top of arresting Silk Road's owner, they seized the website, and confiscated 3.6 million in bitcoins.

And some very interesting stuff in the criminal complaint, especially about the murder for hire deal. It says:

Incase you're wondering how the hell they found this guy; one report says that he posted his Gmail address using the same user account. They found that to be connected where he publicized Silk Road on Bitcoin forums.

And, from there the FBI was able to find his Google+ profile, his LinkedIn profile, and his IP address from Google.

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