Saturday, January 02, 2016


Sex is awesome, but also so terrifying!

Did you know that nineteen million new STIs occur every year?!?

And nearly half of Americans have not been tested.

Also, it's believed twenty five percent of Americans have an incurable STI.

And those who have STIs, OMG, one in four reportedly don't tell their partners!

So, the main point of this news is: Wrap that thing up!!! It may not feel as fantastic, but life is long, and it will feel even longer with burning and/or bumps and/or the other stuff.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a great deal, Max. You're the best. And don't forget to stay rubbered up — if you know what I'm saying.

  2. quiet educating. Learnt something new.

  3. Nice tips...#alwaysonrubber. dt Mr ovoso

    1. OVO in the building! You have my heartfelt appreciation. #RubberOrNothing #AlwaysOnRubber #SafexSensitiveSavesSchlongs #YouHaveTheRightToGetBarebackBlowjobsThough

  4. Keep educating the world bro. Nice piece

  5. I'm always strapped G....what a remarkable write up....your saying the truth...the world we live in is fraught with Damsels that have septic twats

    1. Thanks a dozen, Bro. And septic twats is correct. I swear some anuses are way worse than an actual septic system. My roommate got himself a septic sore throat after putting his tongue in the streptococcus bacteria butthole of a ratchet hoe. Anilingus has to stop.

  6. Hey. It feels good to be reminded to abstain or if you can't just use a Condom. I mean you see a lot of people walking around with the least concern for there health and this my dear is part it. Keeping people in the know. So codos.

    1. Thanks a million, Jillian. It was the right thing to do, and not for any future kudos that it might bring.
