Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Researchers Now Say There's No Such Thing as Porn Addiction

I've heard of celebrities going into rehab for sex addiction; I've heard that porn addiction is a thing but new researchers are saying no to this. Specifically:

And the research that actually took place did not find much evidence; and a big thing they found are that:

Additionally, they may be using these visually stimulating images to get over decreased life satisfaction. And then, maybe add on top that it conflicts with their personal beliefs, they feel shame, and then they want to feel like a victim, rather than a terrible, disgusting person. Which, by the way, if you look at lots of pornography, I don't think you're a terrible, disgusting person; if at puppy porn, yes you're a terrible, disgusting person. Lol, those types are vastly different.

So, I guess my main thing here is: just because you feel shame over something, or you have a horribly high libido like my satyriasis-tic self, be comfortable with your horny level, just don't use the word "addiction" for something like this, because it takes away from the seriousness of actual addiction.

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