Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2 Bits of Prosthetic Limb Awesome

It's always so amazing to see how prosthetics, how technology in general is advancing.

The first story was by the Colorado man who had lost both his arms to a freak electric accident 40 years ago.

He went to Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.

They hooked him up with this rig...

...and just by thinking of how he wanted to move his hands...

...he was able to move 2 prosthetic limbs! Simultaneously!!

Obviously, the tech's really really a major milestone for modular prosthetic limb robotics. That's a landmark in prosthetics right there!

And then the second story — because they were like 'let's be honest, the internet only cares about cute animals!' — they took this poor adorable husky that had lost both of its front legs.

And they gave him prosthetics very similar to what the Blade Runner used.

It just warms my heart and also shows how 3D Printing has made stuff like this so much easier for people.

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