Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Terrible, Terrible Incident That Happened in Quebec

On Saturday, July 6, 2013, a runaway train, hauling 72 tanker cars of crude oil, derailed and exploded in the Quebec town of Lac Mégantic. As of right now, at least 15 people have been confirmed dead, with 35 still unaccounted for.
Authorities have asked those relatives to provide some sort of DNA (whether it be a toothbrush), so they'd have something to compare it to. They also warned some they may never fully have closure, because a lot of the bodies were burned to ash.
Around 200 officers have been conducting search operations. To give you a scope of how big this explosion was, this was the town before,
and this is it after.
There's also a footage (on the internet) of the train exploding. This is terrifying and horrific.
Another update (today) is that a criminal inquiry is underway to ascertain whether it was foul play or criminal negligence. Right now, the believed story is that the train was parked in Nantes, Quebec. And that, one of its engines, which had been left on to ensure that the air brakes work, caught fire. Local firemen then turned off the engine, put out the fire, and went home.
Also, the company's chairman said that the company would no longer leave trains unattended, or change crews in their town.
Apparently, that's a nice thought, but I don't really think the people that were affected by this would care. They lost people, regardless of if it was an accident, or a terrorist act. My thoughts are with those that were affected. I can't even begin to know your pain. Proportionately, we'll never know when we're all going to go. So, let's just live life while we can. Love to live, and live to love.

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