Friday, February 13, 2015

Gassed Gorilla Gifts Poor Photographer with a Sucker Punch

I'd like to thank and congratulate photographer Christophe Courteau for this picture...

...that he somehow was able to take, in the one second it took this 550-pound-alpha-male-drunk-on-bamboo-stems gorilla to rush him and punch him in the face! Here's another shot of it.

And it seems that the only reason this guy is alive today, is that at the same time, another male gorilla was trying to take this alpha's ladies, and he ran off to beat his ass.

Lol, that was one of my favorite things today because not only as an amazing picture, but because while we were doing our normal day's stuff, a guy got sucker punched by a drunk gorilla. I love that we live in a world that random.

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