Saturday, August 24, 2013

Egypt's Ebullition Escalates

Egypt's newly drafted constitution may ban religious political parties.

It looks like the army-backed interim government is setting it up so the Muslim Brotherhood will no longer be a political party.

And so, in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood may, in fact, be seen as a terrorist organization, especially after all these clashes with the government have left over 800 dead.

Among the other proposed amendments in this constitution, the ban against Mubarak's National Democratic Party, would be lifted. And, on top of that, a judge has now ordered that the former Egyptian autocrat be freed from prison.

Government sources, and Mubarak's lawyers have told the New York Times that Mubarak would be freed soon. But, the government has not officially confirmed the order, indicating that it may seek other ways to keep Mubarak in jail.

Mubarak, of course, in jail, and on trial, for the death of over 900 peaceful protesters, during the 2011 revolution. And, even though he has been reportedly ordered to be freed, he's kind of, universally despised.

There's a ton of different stories, a lot of different versions of everything coming out of Egypt. During all these chaos in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was accused of attacking Christian Communities. Although, a spokesman from the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party said:

So, who knows?

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