Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Sun's Gigantic Magnetic Field Will Soon Start Flipping

Proportionately, every eleven years, or so, our majestic sun decides to give itself a magnetic makeover. Because, even the sun doesn't want to just sit there and burn complacently.

So, what happens is that the sun's magnetic field flips, and the poles do a little switcheroo.

Unsurprisingly, sun scientists admit they don't fully understand why all this happens (obviously because it's the freaking sun). But, solar physicist, Phil Scherrer says:

And, this time around, the eleven-year flip is piling on another big fat scoop of mystery on top of our ice cream sundae of things we don't quite understand.

Apparently, one of the poles already went and flipped itself last year, and now, the other pole is playing the oh-so-fun game of catchup. I'm sure, many of you (like myself) are starting to wonder what this means for us humans. I'll tell you what, we will burn into sun-charged, flaky former versions of ourselves. Additionally, our big burning ball of gas cum cosmic heat source could cease production of its golden rays of life-giving warmth. No, don't pass out yet, it only does coincide with the solar maximum, which is the most baller solar activity.

On a more serious note, the full flip should complete itself over the next three to four months, and it's just going to blast all kinds of freaking cosmic rays out into the universe; and the magnetic shift will be felt across our galaxy, like all the way to the outer edge of interstellar space.

Pretty spectacular, if you ask me.

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