Monday, December 30, 2013

Amazon Prime Air

Everyone (but you) is talking about Amazon announcing drone delivery services. My friends in the U.S. kinda got really excited, but here's the deal: it's not going to happen anytime soon.

The idea that you could order something, and then get it delivered to your house via drone service, in 30 minutes, is absolutely awesome (and super sexy too).

The guy running Amazon said that it probably won't be available till 2015; even though it's not like till 2020 that the Federal Aviation Administration is even going to certify commercial drones. And really, that's the year that actually matters: 2020. Because, the way Amazon wants to use these things, that's when they'll have to wait till.

Additionally, that's also the reason that if this is the way that things are going to be delivered in the near future, China is going to beat every country to the punch. Reportedly, they could be the first place to legalize parcel delivery by drones. While the FAA has their timeline in the United States, in China right now, with the permission of the government, they're testing this.

Proportionally, while I do believe it's a generally cool idea, there are people on the internet not too happy, saying that if this does happen, they will shoot drones down from the sky (which seems like a huge escalation of what I'm typing about right now)! But that's alright though.

I personally like the idea. It just oozes of awesome that I had to share with you. Nonetheless, it's 2013, going on 2014; and we live in the age of "I want it now, give it to me now, OMG, I got it now!", we want everything now now, sharp sharp, super sharpish. Or, like we say in Nigeria: sharp(a)ly. Also, we constantly talk about how the internet and social media are making us less personal, but really, it just gives you the option of being personal with the people you actually want to; and avoiding all the other people whenever possible.

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