Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kid Kicks the Bucket Because of Preposterous Parenting

The first thing I want to blog about today are my Parent of the Year nominees: Joseph and Paulette Richardson.

These two were raising 16-year-old Kendal Ball, who really really wanted to try alcohol.

According to court records, he had been asking them constantly over the past 3 years. And for these parents, it was a really big deal because Kendal's biological father was an alcoholic.

So one day, they decided to teach the kid a lesson and show him the hazards of drinking. So they gave him shot after shot after shot and he just gets obliterated and the parents put him to bed — with the hopes he'd wake with a horrible hangover at worst (in the morning).

But unfortunately, when they went to check on him later, he was found unconscious and blue.

And very unfortunately, Kendal would die because of alcohol poisoning! Which makes me wonder how much they gave this kid to drink!

When the emergency medical technicians transported him to the hospital he had an alcohol level of .587! If you're unfamiliar, that is about 7 times the legal limit!

And now both parents have been charged with involuntary manslaughter meaning these two could face up to twenty years in jail!

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